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TO POST A COMMENT: First, you will need a Google Account. To post a comment to one of the posts on this blog, simply click on the title of the post you would like to comment on. Then scroll to the bottom and type (or paste) your comment in the blank box. Select your "profile" by selecting Google Profile and click on "Submit."

Friday, May 18, 2012

Julius Caesar - Hero or Villain

Finish the reading of the play and then write a 5-7 sentence paragraph where you argue that Julius Caesar was a hero or a villain.  Get online and do some digging to see if you can find out any additional information to support your thesis (main idea - your argument).

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Romulus & Remus - Diary Entry

Read the Romulus & Remus Origin story in the handout from Thursday's class. Then follow the directions form the 3rd page and choose one of characters listed to write a diary entry from their point of view.  

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What will you be doing at 20?

Alexander the great was a warrior at 14, a general at 18 and a king and great ruler at 20.  What will you be doing at the age of 20?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Age of Pericles - Your Questions & Answers

For homework, review your reading and notes on "The Age of Pericles."  While reading through the material, I want you to come up with one question, or "thing" you wonder about.  For example:  Maybe while you are reading you wonder if there were ever any slave uprisings during Pericles rule?  OR if Pericles had a rival that attempted to take his place as ruler of Athens.  Then I want you to research your question and post the question AND answer to our blog. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Your Paragraph - Greek Celebrity

Write a well organized (Clear Topic Sentence!) paragraph summarizing some of the information that you found out about the person from Ancient Greece that you are researching.  Check for spelling and grammar.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Impact of the Persian Wars

Finish writing your 5-7 sentence paragraph answering the question: "What was the impact of the Persian Wars on ancient Greece?"  Complete this in your journal and then post it to our blog.  This will be graded and I encourage you to make sure your paragraph is free of silly grammar and spelling mistakes.  Imagine that it will be published in the New York Times.  Make it perfect.  Remember, we created a good topic sentence to start your paragraph by turning the question into a statement.  (The Persian Wars in the 5th century BC had a tremendous impact on ancient Greece.)